The animated communication made by Visikon leads to strong patients, who can take care of themselves.

Through the online patient portal called My Process we enable patients to become self-confident and well-informed. This reduces the length of stay and the staff's amount of time spent on each patient. Concurrently, the patients’ experienced quality of the treatment and of the hospital in general is increased.

My Process

My Process takes patients by the hand with simple and pleasing animated narratives, produced in close cooperation with physicians.

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The solutions of Visikon are based on scientific research on how integrated narrative animations can reduce patient anxiety upon hospitalisation.

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Business Case

Hospitals cooperating with Visikon do not only reduce their patients’ length of stay. They also save time on patient briefings and follow-up phone calls.

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My Process

Patients can find all the relevant information regarding their treatment and recovery, by visiting the online patient portal.

My Process is a digital platform developed for patients facing a hospital treatment procedure. The platform contains a sequence of animated narratives developed in close cooperation with the clinical experts at the hospital. In addition, My Process comes with training programmes, an interactive diary and the hospital’s own information material regarding the specific treatment.

My Process improves the quality

My Process is the patient’s own information portal – from the hospital to the patient and the relatives.

Based on scientific research results, Visikon has documented the amount of information a patient needs in order to cope with the situation before and after surgery. By watching animated educational films developed in close cooperation with the clinicians of the hospital, the patients feel much better prepared for hospitalisation and rehabilitation. This enhances the overall experience of quality among patients as well as relatives.

My Process reduces anxiety

Today, informative animations on My Process are increasing the knowledge and sense of safety among thousands of patients all over the country.

Anxiety among patients before surgery is perfectly normal. But anxiety also means that the patients may have some difficulty in coping with their own situation, which ultimately results in increased hospital expenses. With My Process the hospital can reduce patients’ anxiety before and after an operation – ensuing the patient’s ability to recover faster in his or her own home. This reduce expenses in all areas of the health care system.

"The films and the platform provide a complete picture of what happens in real life."

- Helvig Marie Borgbjerg, former hip surgery patient

“I cannot believe that this can be done in such a simple way! Suddenly I realise that I have informed my patients in an unnecessarily complicted way, as if they were my colleagues”

- Surgeon at Gentofte Hospital when experiencing My Process for the first time.

“Every patient can go through My Process at his or her own pace – and this is invaluable for the ones who are having trouble making sense of the entire process at once.”

- Lone Bjørklund, head nurse at the orthopaedic-surgical ward of Gentofte Hospital

“My Process is a significant and important contribution to the overall education of patients.”

– Mette Terp Hoybye, anthropologist at the research unit of Silkeborg Hospital

My Process gives patients an overview

Treatment processes, which can seem simple and clear for doctors and nurses, often appear chaotic for the patients facing them. At the orthopaedic-surgical ward at Gentofte Hospital, management expects the animated narratives of My Process to provide patients with a better overview.

When the orthopaedic-surgical doctors and nurses at Gentofte Hospital are sending patients home  faster, as part of the ward’s accelerated treatment processes, a major responsibility is left with the patients.

“It is our responsibility that the patients are as well-prepared as possible – before they are admitted to hospital as well as when they are sent home the day after the operation,” says head nurse of the orthopaedic-surgical ward at Gentofte Hospital Lone Bjørklund.

Consequently, patients and relatives are invited to a two-hour patient seminar two weeks prior to the operation. Here the patients receive instructions from doctors, nurses, physiotherapists and occupational therapists. Nevertheless, even though responses are positive, the ward  management is also aware of the fact that it can be difficult for patients and relatives to absorb such vast amounts of information. 

“Few people are able to remember the details from our seminars, and quite a few people are simply overwhelmed,” says Lone Bjørklund and adds that focus group interviews have shown that patients often develop a more complete understanding over time, because it is difficult for them to grasp the entire process right away. For this reason, My Process and the simple animated films make a lot of sense. 

“My Process utilize a variety of artistic effects to convey complex information in a rather accessible manner. We expect to meet the needs of different patient groups more effectively this way.”

We need to use the nurses better

In addition, efficiency improvement plays a major role for the hospital. Because of hasty  hospital discharges, a large group of patients are calling the hospital to get help after surgery. The telephone calls are one of the areas where Lone Bjørklund expects to spend fewer resources.  Today, almost one full-time employee is dedicated to the task of answering telephone calls from patients.

“The main goal of My Process is to improve the treatment and recovery process of the patients. But of course we would also like to benefit from the advantage of using the nurse at the telephone in better ways,” says Lone Bjørklund. Studies from other hospitals have shown that My Process contributes to reducing the number of calls to the hospital after an  operation.

Head nurse of the orthopaedic-surgical ward, Lone Bjørklund.

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My Process provides patients with an overview

Treatment processes, which can seem simple and clear for doctors and nurses, often appear chaotic for the patients facing them. At the orthopaedic-surgical ward at Gentofte Hospital, the management expects the animated narratives of My Process to provide patients with a better overview.Click to read more

Empirical research

Visikon can verifiably reduce anxiety in patients and save money for hospitals.

During three years of health care related studies, Visikon has documented that animated films constructed in the right way can reduce patient anxiety. Furthermore, simultaneous health care economic research has shown that patients who are given access to the platform of My Process strain the health care system much less than other patients.

Continued studies to optimise animations

New studies from the Central Region of Denmark examine how patients acquire  knowledge from the animated narratives of My Process.

Scientific research on anxiety reduction in patients informed through animated films instead of brochures or video films  have yielded positive results. Consequently, the Regional hospital of Silkeborg have initiated a number of new studies in the field of patient education.

“Scientific research shows that these animation films work. At the same time we know that neither ordinary brochures nor video films are particularly suitable for communicating knowledge to patients. Consequently, our new experiments are about optimising the animations and improving the communication even more by clarifying how different individuals receive  the type of information in the animation films,” says Mette Terp Hoybye, anthropologist at the research unit at Silkeborg Hospital.

Together with her colleagues , Mette Terp Hoybye frequently discuss several different issues regarding patient communications.

“Normally, patients at hospital wards exchange experiences with each other. The so-called Fast Track patients, who are being discharged quickly , often miss out on this type of information.”

Strong identification

However,  there are several indications that My Process can compensate for the loss of communication between patients. 

“Patients’ different preferences regarding the animated characters’ point of view are among the things we are examining, including the use of a first or third person narrator,” says Mette Terp Hoybye. Her results have not yet been published, but preliminary conclusions show that all patients of the study find  My Process very useful, and that they all identify with the animated narratives. 

“Even though the animations are quite simple, the films have a strong effect on the patients. During several passages some patients get a profound physical reaction, which shows us that they are really dealing with the information and identifying with what they see.” 

The final results of the study will be published during spring 2014.

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Continued studies to optimise animations

New studies from the Central Region of Denmark examine how patients acquire knowledge from the animated narratives of My Process.

Scientific research on anxiety reduction in patients informed through animated films instead of brochures or video films have yielded positive results. Consequently, the Regional hospital of Silkeborg have initiated a number of new studies in the field of patient education. Click and read more.

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Business Case

Experience shows that hospitals can make considerable savings by offering patients My Process.

The use of My Process implies a qualitative leap for patients and a reduced use of resources in the primary sector as well as at the individual hospital ward, and expenses are not just transfered but actually saved.

Reduced length of stay

The more anxious patients are, the more difficult it is to get them through a surgery process efficiently. My Process educates and informs patients in a way that contributes to a faster discharge from the hospital. This reduce the hospitals overall expenses.


Length of stay was reduced significantly in Silkeborg

På Regionshospital Silkeborg er ledende overlæge Søren Søndergaard Mikkelsen ikke i tvivl om, at Mit Forløb har sænket liggetiden på hans afdeling med flere dage. I dag har hans afdeling en af landets laveste liggetider.

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In Gentofte the effect of My Process is being measured

Mere end 1000 patienter på landets største afdeling for ortopædkirurgi har adgang til Mit Forløb. Formålet er at optimere uddannelsen af patienter, så de kan klare sig selv hurtigere og bedre. Et studie måler effekten.

Klik og læs om overlæge Claus Munk Jensens forventninger til Mit Forløb

Chief Surgeon: We have reduced the length of stay by  several days

At Silkeborg Regional Hospital Managing Chief Surgeon Søren Søndergaard Mikkelsen has no doubt that the length of stay has been reduced by  several days at his ward.

As pioneers in this field, the health care professionals at Silkeborg Regional Hospital have been implementing animation films as part of the treatment since 2009 when  My Process was launched . Today, the system is fully integrated into hip surgery, while the knee surgery integration is in progress. 

“We experience that the use of animation films results in a very high degree of contentment among our patients. They are getting through their process a lot easier – and they are rehabilitating  much faster. It’s as simple as that” says Managing Chief Surgeon Søren Søndergaard Mikkelsen and emphasises that contentment among the staff has increased as well. 

“Additionally, My Process makes the health carer’s interaction with the patient much smoother, since the patient is much easier to treat and send home properly after having  watched the films,” says the Chief Surgeon and highlights the fact that larger groups of different patients can now be reached efficiently . This is due to the fact that some patients acquire information best by reading, others by listening and others again by watching – a pattern My Process address well.

Improved planning

“A lot of our patients are really benefitting from the animation films. They are getting  a much better  understanding of the impending operation, which means that they end up getting through the process a lot easier ,” says Søren Søndergaard Mikkelsen and accentuates the importance of educating patients in order to reduce the amount of pre-surgical stress. 

At the same time, he clears up the myth that knowledgeable patients should be more demanding than patients  who are less informed. “No, it is quite  the contrary. Patients  who are well informed about the process are almost always better prepared for  what will happen. As a result, the process in the majority of the operations go as expected and better planning is possible, ” says Søren Søndergaard Mikkelsen.

Reduced length of stay as a result

“By shortening the length of stay we are able to spend more resources on a larger number of outpatient treatments – or by completing more operations,” the Managing Chief Surgeon explains. He estimates that the ward has reduced the length of stay by five to six  days since the project was launched. 

“10 years ago, the length of stay was 10-12 days. When the project started, it was reduced to approximately five days. Today, the length of stay is 1.7 days,” says Søren Søndergaard Mikkelsen who is not in doubt about how to account for the reductions “The information received by the patients are causing a higher amount of educated patients resulting in a reduction of the length of stay. There is no doubt. I am absolutely sure that the investment in My Process has been well spent,” he says.

Fast development ahead

Today, the regional hospital has one of the shortest lengths  of stay  in the country, and Søren Søndergaard Mikkelsen predicts the development will spread. “I believe that the education of patients will develop tremendously within the next few years. This has made things go fast. IT platforms for the education of patients has a huge potential.”

Managing Chief Surgeon at Silkeborg Regional Hospital, Søren Søndergaard Mikkelsen.

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In Gentofte, they are measuring the effect of My Process

More than 1000 patients at the largest orthopaedic-surgical ward in the country have access to My Process. The goal is to optimise the education of patients in order for them to be able to stand on their own feet again – better and faster. A study is measuring the effect.

One of the leading orthopaedic-surgical wards in the country has strengthened its communication with the patients. “We almost treat 2000 patients per year, and thus, we are constantly focused on optimising our patient processes. We expect My Process to help us do that,” says Managing Chief Surgeon at the orthopaedic-surgical ward Claus Munk Jensen. 

With so many patients, Gentofte Hospital is a leading hospital within the area of accelerated orthopaedic-surgical patient processes. Frequently, patients are already discharged the day upon surgery, which place great demands  on the amount and type of information the patient receive. “We find it very important to inform and involve the patients. Among other things, we offer a preparatory seminar,  where patients and relatives are educated by doctors, nurses and physiotherapists, and where they can ask questions,” says Claus Munk Jensen. However, the IT platform of My Process constitutes a new type of communication with its narrative animation films. 

Apart from the seminar, we are handing out a ten-page brochure to our patients before surgery, but only a few people read  this brochure. With My Process we assume that the same information will get through  to the patients easier. This, we expect, will lift the quality of our patient education to a higher level,” says Claus Munk Jensen, who, among other things, applauds the animation films’ simple way of passing on complex knowledge. “In my professional view, the animations are very elegantly made – and visuals as well as narratives are presented with a simplicity very hard to match in writing. In this way, the entire visual universe match  the story about the patient’s process in a very fine way,” says Claus Munk Jensen.

Study will measure the effect

While implementing My Process, Gentofte Hospital has initiated a study to identify the effect of the patient portal.  Among other things, the study will clarify the number of patients actually using My Process “People are saying that the elderly are skilled Internet users, but will they in fact log on to My Process and watch the films? This  is what we are going to find out. In addition, we need to document the extent to which  My Process contributes  to improving the overall patient process. 

Claus Munk Jensen does not yet dare to prognosticate the financial dimensions of the solution. “As with everything within the health care economy area, it is difficult to document a financial effect, but we expect to be able to save money on our existing information – and hopefully, we will also be able to utilise some of our working hours in better ways.” 

The study will continue into 2015 after which the results will be published.

Managing Chief Surgeon at the orthopaedic-surgical ward, Claus Munk Jensen.

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"My Process has been well worth the investment cost"

- Søren Mikkelsen, Managing Chief Surgeon, the Regional Hospital of Silkeborg

“It is extremely valuable to us that our patients know what we expect from them during the process.”

– Claus Munk Jensen, Managing Chief Surgeon, Gentofte Hospital

“The visual expression has a strong effect on patients.”

– Mette Terp Hoybye, Anthropologist at the research unit of Silkeborg Hospital

“The films and the platform provide a complete picture of what happens in real life.”

– Helvig Marie Borgbjerg, former hip surgery patient

The strong patient

Patients are receiving improved information and experience a higher quality of treatment when using My Process.

Educated patients are strong patients, and strong patients are better at managing the situation. And correct: We do say that we are ensuring the patients’ experience of quality and security. But what do the patients say themselves?

Click below and meet three Danes, who have all undergone surgery and used My Process.

”I felt secure throughout my entire hip replacement process”

Ms Helvig Marie Borgbjerg, age 67, had been limping with aches and pains in her right leg for several years – especially when going for long walks. It turned out that she was suffering from osteoarthritis, and for that reason she was admitted to The Regional Hospital of Silkeborg in November 2013 to undergo hip replacement surgery.

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“Communication helped me overcome my fear of operations”

For Ms Dorthe Balsø, age 48, massive pains in her left hip had become everyday life. Consequently, her joy was immense when she was told that she had been approved for surgery at The Regional Hospital of Silkeborg in November 2013. However, Ms Dorthe Balsø was disheartened all the same, since she is terrified of operations.

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“I had a good grip on my rehabilitation exercises with the Visikon web solution”

Mr Bjarne Kirk had been suffering from osteoarthritis for several years. Therefore, his right hip was replaced by a prosthesis in November 2013 at The Regional Hospital of Silkeborg.

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I felt secure throughout the entire hip replacement process

Ms Helvig Marie Borgbjerg, age 67, had been limping with aches and pains in her right leg for several years – especially during long walks. It turned out that she was suffering from osteoarthritis, and because of that she was admitted to The Regional Hospital of Silkeborg in November 2013 to undergo hip replacement surgery.

How did you prepare for the hip replacement process?

“I had spoken to physicians, nurses and a couple of other people, who had undergone similar surgery. In addition, I was given a large and extensive booklet from the hospital. Last but not least, I went through the content of the Visikon web solution before as well as after the operation.”

Var du nervøs for dit Were you nervous during the hip replacement process??

“I was not at all nervous during the hip replacement process. I felt well-informed and secure knowing that everything would be fine, and that I was prepared. There were no unpleasant surprises on the way.”

How did you experience the Visikon web solution?

“I have had a very nice experience with the web solution. In fact, I would like to recommend it to others, because it really corresponds with reality – before, during and after the operation.”

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Communication helped me overcome my fear of operations

For Ms Dorthe Balsø, age 48, massive pains in her left hip had become everyday life. Consequently, her joy was immense when she was told that she had been approved for surgery at The Regional Hospital of Silkeborg in November 2013. However, Ms Dorthe Balsø was disheartened all the same, since she is terrified of operations.

Did you feel prepared for the hip replacement process?

“I felt so awful that I could neither stand, nor sit or lie down without pain. Consequently, it was really difficult for me to acquire and remember information. Being so nervous and worried about the surgery as I was did not make things any better. But generally, I must say that I have felt exceptionally educated and today I feel very grateful that the entire process went so well.”

Were you nervous during the hip replacement process?

“I am scared of operations, which means that I start panicking quite easily. Fortunately, I had a good long conversation with a nurse before the operation, and she was able to calm me somewhat down. Generally, the all-embracing care and support from the staff helped reduce my anxiety. Also, it was a big help that I was operated on very early in the morning and had some extra sedatives prior to the operation.”

How did you experience the Visikon web solution?

”I have watched all the films twice. The first time was at home together with my best friend, who was also my support person. The second time was at the info-meeting at the hospital. Here, it turned out that I remembered everything, which is very strange as I usually have a major problem remembering new information. The Visikon solution on the Internet is easy to understand and easy to remember, and combined with the booklet and the loving care from the nurses, it gave me a certain feeling of peace – even though I did not get completely rid of my fear of operations.”

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I had a good grip of my rehabilitation exercises with the Visikon web solution

Mr Bjarne Kirk had been suffering from osteoarthritis for several years. Therefore, his right hip was replaced by a prosthesis in November 2013 at The Regional Hospital of Silkeborg. Before the operation he thoroughly investigated the process he was about to go through.

Did you feel prepared for the hip replacement process?

“The information coming from the hospital was very adequate, and I felt extremely well informed and prepared. I participated in several consultations and an info-meeting with doctors and nurses. In addition, I read a booklet from A to Z and used the Visikon web solution.”

Were you nervous during the hip replacement process?

”I was not nervous about the operation itself, but about the process afterwards. Fortunately, everything has been going well, and I have not experienced any problems worth mentioning.”

How did you experience the Visikon web solution?

“I have logged on to the web solution several times before and especially after the operation. There was no new information for me, since I had read the booklet meticulously. Personally, I am used to and very fond of reading, but it was fun to watch the films, and I can imagine that people with reading difficulties must appreciate this audio-visual approach immensely. I have mainly used the Visikon web solution to keep my rehabilitation training in check. That applies to the exercise films and the online diary, in which I ticked the different exercises daily. Thus, I could maintain a strong focus on my rehabilitation, and this is probably the reason why I experienced as little pain as I actually did. Because of this, I would definitely recommend the Visikon web solution to other hip surgery patients.”

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“I felt well-informed and secure.”

- Helvig Marie Borgbjerg, former hip surgery patient with access to My Process

"I feel grateful that the entire process went so well.”

- Dorte Balsø, former hip surgery patient with access to My Process

“I was able to maintain a strong focus on my rehabilitation.”

- Bjarne Kirk, former hip surgery patient with access to My Process


At Gentofte Hospital relatives
constitute a focus of attention

Relatives often play an important part when it comes to how well and how fast patients recover after surgery. For that reason, Gentofte Hospital regards the education of relatives as a vital task.
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At Gentofte Hospital relatives constitute a focus of attention

Relatives often play an important part when it comes to how well and how fast patients recover after surgery. For that reason, Gentofte Hospital takes the education of relatives very seriously.

The upgrade of skills and education of relatives is considered vital at Gentofte Hospital where the quality of accelerated patient processes – especially at the orthopaedic-surgical ward – is continuously improved. Relatives serve as important support functions for patients at home immediately after the operation.  
“It is very important that the relatives are able to see and understand the process which the patient is going through. Our criteria of the time of discharge from hospital are very specific,” says Head Nurse of the orthopaedic-surgical ward at Gentofte Hospital Lone Bjørklund. “As a starting point, the patient must continue his or her own pain therapy, phase out the medication and start using the rehabilitation programme – all of these things with support from the relatives.”

My Process provides relatives with an insight

The education of patients and their relatives has traditionally been based on written materials and a range of info-meetings, but now My Process has also been implemented.”

“This platform offers great advantages seen from the relatives’ perspective, since they can now sit peacefully and quietly at home, watch the films at their own pace and learn about the process,” says Lone Bjørklund and mentions that the films are part of the important balancing of expectations.

“For instance, a lot of people assume that the hospital will take care of transportation in connection with surgery, and either they become confused or disappointed when this does not happen. But as it can be seen in one of the films, the relative is driving the patient to the hospital. Right there, as representatives of the hospital, we have already managed one small expectation without saying a single word,” Lone Bjørklund explains.             

In addition, she expects the info-meetings held at the hospital through many years to be improved by the help of My Process. “When patients and relatives have visited My Process in advance, they will have a completely different understanding of what is going to happen. This will not only result in a much more qualified dialogue; it will also mean that our expertise as health care professionals will be utilized much better,” she says. “We all know the situation in which we are told just to ask questions without really knowing what to ask for. With My Process questions as well as answers will be much more qualified,” says Lone Bjørklund.

Head nurse of the orthopaedic-surgical ward, Lone Bjørklund.

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A better world

Visikon also works for health care charities and NGOs struggling to save lives in the third world.

Visikon prioritize working with charities and NGOs because it makes sense to communicate through easily comprehensible animation films – particularly in developing countries with low levels of knowledge and poor literacy skills.

Animations to save lives in Ethiopia

Working closely with the humanitarian organisation of Maternity Worldwide and University of Copenhagen, Visikon have developed an app to save women in childbirth and their newborns. The app has been built on the same principles as My Process. Read more here

About Visikon

Visikon is a research based company specialising in audio-visual communications.

Visikon exists in the intersection between creative audio-visual communication, technology, clinical health care, professional knowledge and scientific research. The result is innovative solutions with the potential to revolutionise the way patients meet hospitals – and hospitals meet patients.


Visikon supports and empowers patients and relatives in order to make health care more efficient. Our vision is to set new global standards for easily accessible and effective communications in health care to the benefit of both patients and professionals.


At Visikon we only develop solutions which address real concerns. We are driven by the thought of making a difference to patients facing challenging treatments – and to health care services in need of being able to treat more patients with no expected increase to the available resources. That is why we go to work.


Visikon need relations, which can contribute to making health care more efficient and patients less anxious. Please contact us if you share our thoughts and would like to hear more about the latest scientific research, analytics and other new stories within the area of patient empowerment.

Contact us

If you would like to hear more about Visikon or try out My Process yourself, please book a meeting – without obligation, of course. It would be our pleasure to be part of a dialogue regarding how you can let communications be part of your treatment and improve both quality and economy at the ward or the entire hospital.

Anders Nejsum


(+45) 29 91 04 35

Anders Nejsum holds a degree in character animation and has many years of experience within sales, operations and management.

Martin Vesterby

Head of research

(+45) 25 13 72 03

Martin Vesterby is a trained doctor and has conducted extensive scientific research within the fields of anxiety reduction in patients and optimisation of patient education.

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